RokSprocket Strips
- Details
- Written by Mark Rolston

Strips is a layout mode for RokSprocket that displays and rotates through horizontal content and image blocks, perfect for highlighting content.
Strips is a layout mode for RokSprocket that displays and rotates through horizontal content and image blocks, perfect for highlighting content.
Choose between a new side panel menu or selectbox for small / mobile devices. The menu has been specifically designed to maximize usability on mobile devices.
The Expansion position area aAutomatically opens and closes based on scroll, whilst dynamically floating above nearby module position rows.
A single template that aAdapts to different viewing devices, such as mobile.
+LESS CSS is a dynamic coding language for CSS that adds variables and more.
+JoomlaWork's K2, a powerful content extension, has integrated styling, has integrated styling.
+All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to show a live site. All images are copyrighted to their respective owners.