- Home Welcome
Features Awesome Stuff
- Module Positions
- Module Variations
Menu Example
Menu Icon
- SubText Line Example Text
Module Menu
Module in Menu
This is an example of a module being displayed inside the menu dropdowns.
Grouped Items
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Child Item
- Typography
Presets Choose a Variation
- Category Blog
Module Positions
If no modules are published to a position, the entire area or row will not appear/collapse.
iPhone/Android Positions
You can enable or disable the custom iPhone and iPod Touch automatic theme support.
To configure the mobile layout, please navigate to Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_fresco, then go to Mobile tab.
You can load either dedicated mobile positions or standard module positions in Mobile view.

Gantry Grid Distribution
Configure at Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_fresco, then go to Layouts to set the grid widths and allocated positions.
There are Features that are injected into a position when enabled in the Administrator, and are stacked vertically; which includes: Logo, Date, Font Sizer, Login Panel, Popup Module, Branding, Copyright, More Articles.
MainBody/Sidebar Layouts
Configure at Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_fresco, then go to Layouts tab and set the varying Mainbody/Sidebar layout possibilities.

Note: If no modules are assigned to the Sidebar positions, the Mainbody will become full width.